People To Know

Pastor, John Sullivan

Pastor John and his wife, Renee

Secretary, Betty Sue Carter

Clerk, Mrs. Virginia Hucks
Treasurer, Mr. Charles Hucks
Sunday School Director, Rev. John Sullivan
discipleship Training Director, Mrs. Renee Sullivan
Youth Director, Mr. James Mew
Children's Director, Mrs. Dana Booth
Organist, Mrs. Patricia Johnson
Pianist, Mrs. Dana Groome
Adult Choir Director, Mr. Robert Ford
Music Director, Mrs. Carolyn Stevens
W.M.U. Director, Mrs. Linda Hamilton
Brotherhood Director, Mr. Avery Hamilton

      Brent Groome           
Johnie Johnson
      Avery Hamilton         
Rodney Johnson
      Jody Hamilton          
Rick Rush
      Charles Hucks         

Good Hope Baptist Church Conway,SCGood Hope Baptist Church Conway,SCGood Hope Baptist Church Conway,SC
Good Hope Baptist Church Conway,SCGood Hope Baptist Church Conway,SCGood Hope Baptist Church Conway,SC