Saturday, July 30, 2011

Link to e-edition of the Baptist Courier--- read it online!

5th Sunday Night Sing and Sandwich Social! Bring a Friend.....6. pm

July 31st Service Bulletin

Good Hope Baptist Church
Rev. John Sullivan
July 31, 2011

“It is the mission of Good Hope Baptist Church to make and grow disciples of Jesus Christ who worship God, minister the Word, and serve others.”

Prelude                                                                                   Organist

Welcome                                                                                     Pastor


Fellowship Song         “How Majestic Is Your Name”                  p.   29                            
Hymn of Praise                                                                           p. 542
           “In Loving-Kindness Jesus Came ”

Offertory Hymn                                                                           p. 581                                                                 

            “We Have Heard the Joyful Sound”

Offertory Prayer
Presentation of Tithes and Offerings
Offertory               “Come Let Us Worship the Lord”       
Ministry in Music                                                                          Choir
                                            “Let Us Sing”     
Children’s Church for ages 3 years - 1st grade

Special Music                                                                   James Mew

Message                                                                                    Pastor                                                                                                
Invitation                                                                                    p. 317                                                                                                 
   “Only Trust Him”


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           We enter to worship, we depart to serve!

It is a pleasure to have you worship with us.  We pray that you will find a worshipful atmosphere, friendly people and the inspiration of God’s truth revealed.  Please fill out a guest card and place it in the offering plate.  Parents are welcome to use the nursery.  Whether you have been around church all your life or this is your first attempt at making a spiritual connection, you are welcome here!

NURSERY VOLUNTEERS for Morning and Evening Services
July  31                                                              Robbie & Crystal Mew

Aug    7                    Hedy Cannon, Betty Carter & Betty Hendrickson

CHILDREN’S CHURCH                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
July  31                                                                          Jennifer Corrie

Aug    7                                                                           Michelle Cook

The beautiful flowers on the altar today are given by Roger and April West in honor of Amy Caroline’s 1st birthday.

On August 7, 2011 we will nominate two candidates to serve a three year term as deacons. The Church By-laws state: “Church members shall nominate one person for each position to be filled, plus one.  A list of candidates will be selected of those who have been members at least one year, received the highest number of nominations, have been approached as to their availability to serve by the Pastor and/or Deacons, and have been approved by the current Deacons.  One candidate for each position in the Fellowship of Deacons will be presented to the Church for approval on the third Sunday of August.”

·         The children gave $600.76 for missions during Vacation Bible School.
·         The church gave $359.00 to the Gideons for Bible distribution last Sunday. 

 10:00 AM                                                              Sunday School
 11:00 AM                                                            Morning Worship
   5:30 PM                                          Mt. Retreat Parents Meeting
   6:00 PM                        Fifth Sunday Night Sing and Fellowship                                           
   7:30 PM                      Deborah Class Meeting with Melda Ford               
   7:00 PM                                                                      Kid’s Club
   7:00 PM                                                          Youth Bible Study
   7:00 PM                                        Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
   7:30 PM                                                               Choir Practice                                        

Aug    7    11:00 a.m.       Deacon Nominations
Aug  11 – 14                    Children/Youth Trip
Aug  14      6:00 p.m.       Adoration Trio
Aug  21    11:00 a.m.       Deacon Selection  

There will be a meeting tonight at 5:30 p.m.  for all parents of those going on the Mountain Retreat.  Information about the schedule and a “Permission Form” will be distributed.  We must have a parent- permission form for each child attending the retreat.

Please pardon our dust.  Some of the rooms upstairs are being remodeled to accommodate  the middle and high school students.
 A larger open area with multi-media for teaching and fellowship will soon be completed.

Tonight at 6:00 p.m. we will enjoy a Fffth Sunday Night Sing.  Afterwards we will have a Sandwich Supper and watermelon fellowship.  Please bring finger foods, chips & dips and drinks.

      Sonny Cannon        Johnie Johnson
      Melton Dotson         Rodney Johnson
      Avery Hamilton       Rick Rush
      Jody Hamilton

July 24th Service Bulletin

Good Hope Baptist Church
Rev. John Sullivan
July 24, 2011

“It is the mission of Good Hope Baptist Church to make and grow disciples of Jesus Christ who worship God, minister the Word, and serve others.”

Prelude                                                                          Organist

Welcome                                                                           Pastor


Fellowship Song                 “He Is Here”                                          
Hymn of Praise                                                                 p. 520
            “O That Will Be Glory”

Offertory Hymn                                                                 p. 569                                                                 

           “Make Me a Blessing”

Offertory Prayer
Presentation of Tithes and Offerings
Offertory           “Everybody Needs Someone to Care”       
Ministry in Music                                                                Choir
                            “A Shelter in the Time of Storm”     
Children’s Church for ages 3 years - 1st grade

Message                                                                           Pastor                                                                                                 
Invitation                                                                           p. 307                                                                                                  
   “Just As I Am”


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           We enter to worship, we depart to serve!

It is a pleasure to have you worship with us.  We pray that you will find a worshipful atmosphere, friendly people and the inspiration of God’s truth revealed.  Please fill out a guest card and place it in the offering plate.  Parents are welcome to use the nursery.  Whether you have been around church all your life or this is your first attempt at making a spiritual connection, you are welcome here!

NURSERY VOLUNTEERS for Morning and Evening Services
July  24                                                            Avery & Linda Hamilton

July  31                                                              Robbie & Crystal Mew

CHILDREN’S CHURCH                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
July  24                                                      Rodney & Sabrina Johnson

July  31                                                                          Jennifer Corrie

The beautiful flowers on the altar table today are given in loving memory of Florine Hardee by Francis Hardee and family.

We welcome Mr. John Osterberg to the service today.  He is a representative of Gideons International and will share a brief report on the ministry of Bible distribution.  A love offering will be taken at the end of the service.  Please make checks to Gideons International.

Nominations for deacons will be received on Sunday morning, August 7th.  Prayerfully consider nominating men who are faithful to the services of the church, active in serving the Lord and who have a heart to serve others.  Deacon Selection will be August 21st.

Please  attend  the meeting  tonight at  5:30 p.m. in room # 102.
Committee members are: Jesse Hodges, Jo Stevens, Amy Bell,
Richard & Gloria Harris,  Della Buddin  and  Brenda Mew.

 10:00 AM                                                              Sunday School
 11:00 AM                                                            Morning Worship
   5:30 PM                                 Homecoming Committee Meeting
   6:00 PM                                                            Evening Worship                                
   7:00 PM                                                                      Kid’s Club
   7:00 PM                                                          Youth Bible Study
   7:00 PM                                        Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
   7:30 PM                                                               Choir Practice                                         
Jul    31      6:00 p.m.       Fifth Sunday Night Sing & Refreshments
Aug    2      7:30 p.m.       Deborah Class Meeting with Melda Ford
Aug    7    11:00 a.m.       Deacon Nominations
Aug  11 – 14                    Children/Youth Trip
Aug  14      6:00 p.m.       Adoration Trio
Aug  21    11:00 a.m.       Deacon Selection  

Next Sunday we will enjoy a Fifth Sunday Night Sing.  See Carolyn Stevens and plan to share a song, play an instrument, etc.  Afterwards we will have a Sandwich Supper and watermelon fellowship.  Please bring finger foods, chips & dips and drinks.

Pray for Andrew Fogner as he participates in a trip to Haiti.  He will leave July 24th and return August 6th.  He will serve in churches with Evangelism and Bible Schools.


“And what is as important as knowledge?”
asked the mind__
“Caring and seeing with the heart,”
answered the soul.

      Sonny Cannon        Johnie Johnson
      Melton Dotson         Rodney Johnson
      Avery Hamilton       Rick Rush
      Jody Hamilton

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Vacation Bible School----View the Video NOW

Be Patient if it takes some time to load; Enjoy! Press the arrow to begin.  Thanks to Monica for producing this.......

Saturday, July 16, 2011

July 17th - Service Bulletin

Good Hope Baptist Church
Rev. John Sullivan
July 17, 2011

“It is the mission of Good Hope Baptist Church to make and grow disciples of Jesus Christ who worship God, minister the Word, and serve others.”

Prelude                                                                          Organist

Welcome                                                                           Pastor


Vacation Bible School Spotlight                                          
Hymn of Praise                                                                 p. 411
             “Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus”

Offertory Hymn                                                                 p. 521                                                                 

           “On Jordan’s Stormy Banks”

Offertory Prayer
Presentation of Tithes and Offerings
Ministry in Music                                                        VBS Choir     
Children’s Church for ages 3 years - 1st grade

Message                                                                           Pastor                                                                                                 
Invitation                                                                           p. 305                                                                                                 
       “I Have Decided to Follow Jesusl”


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           We enter to worship, we depart to serve!

It is a pleasure to have you worship with us.  We pray that you will find a worshipful atmosphere, friendly people and the inspiration of God’s truth revealed.  Please fill out a guest card and place it in the offering plate.  Parents are welcome to use the nursery.  Whether you have been around church all your life or this is your first attempt at making a spiritual connection, you are welcome here!

NURSERY VOLUNTEERS for Morning and Evening Services
July  17                                                            Chuck & Jennifer Corrie

July  24                                                            Avery & Linda Hamilton

CHILDREN’S CHURCH                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
July  17                                                   Brenda Mew & Kirby Groome

July  24                                                      Rodney & Sabrina Johnson

Praise the Lord for a fantastic week of VBS!  THANK YOU TO:
·       Everyone who prayed, invited others and brought children throughout  the week.
·       To all who worked to prepare and serve us delicious meals.
·       To the entire VBS staff who served faithfully each night.
·       To Pastor John who is always here for us.

On July 31st we will enjoy a Fifth Sinday Night Sing.  See Carolyn Stevens and plan to share a song, play an instrument,etc.  Afterwards we will have a Sandwich Supper and watermelon fellowship.  Please bring finger foods, chips & dips and drinks.

The Keenagers will meet at Econo Lodge in Conway tomorrow at 9:00 am for breakfast.  If you need transportation see Melda. After breakfast they will enjoy a “morning  movie.”

 10:00 AM                                                              Sunday School
 11:00 AM                                                            Morning Worship
    6:00 PM                                                            Mission Reports                                
    9:00 PM            Keenagers Breakfast at Econo Lodge & Movie
    7:15 PM                        WBA Meeting at Mercy Baptist Church
                                                      (Meal at 6:15 pm)                                         
   7:00 PM                                                                      Kid’s Club
   7:00 PM                                                         Youth  Bible Study
   7:00 PM                                                          Business Meeting
   7:30 PM                                                               Choir Practice
   8:15AM                        Baptist Men’s Breakfast at Econo Lodge

Jul    24     11:00 a.m.       Gideons Offering
Jul    31       6:00 p.m.       Fifth Sunday Night Sing & Refreshments
Aug     2      7:30 p.m.       Deborah Class Meeting with Melda Ford
Aug  11 – 14                     Children/Youth Trip
Aug  14       6:00 p.m.       Adoration Trio   

·         “AFC” (After Church Fellowship) tonight at Brent & Dana Groome’s home after the 6 pm Worship Service.
·         Putt-Putt & meal Saturday, July 23rd.  Students bring $15 for the outing. Meet at the church at 5 pm.
·         July 24th Christian Concert at the beach. Leave the church at 4:45 pm and return around 10 pm.  Students bring $10 for a meal.

Pray for Andrew Fogner as he participates in a trip to Haiti.  He will leave July 24th and return August 6th.  He will serve in churches with Evangelism and Bible Schools.

      Sonny Cannon        Johnie Johnson
      Melton Dotson         Rodney Johnson
      Avery Hamilton       Rick Rush
      Jody Hamilton